The Urgency of Reforming the Pattern of Criminal Prosecution by the Prosecutor’s Office in Implementing Progressive Decisions
With the ineffectivelegal situation in Indonesia, a critical study is needed to address the issue.Therefore,it is necessary to reformthe pattern of prosecution by the Prosecutor’sOffice. Variousaspectsof thefunctions of thepublic prosecutor have raised concerns, especially the mention of the severity of sentencein criminal charges, whichopens up opportunities for unprofessional conductby public prosecutors and judges.The reformationof the process of criminal charges isa way out of the problem as itplacesthe public prosecutor within his authority without undermining the authority of thejudge with regards tothe party that determines the severity of the sentence. This research uses a combined approach.First,it uses the comparative approach bycomparing the concept of prosecution that is practiced in Indonesia and those of someEnglish-speakingcountries. Also, it uses the conceptual approach to view the doctrines or theories related to the issues raised. The results of this research supportsthe reformationof theprosecutionprocess currently been appliedby the Prosecutor's Office as a way of implementingof progressiveideas/decisions to achieve justice.