The Emergency on Personal Data Protection Regulation For Users of Online Loan Services

  • Shinta Hadiyantina Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
  • Dewi Cahyandari Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
  • Nandaru Ramadhan Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya
Keywords: Personal Data Protection, FinTech


One of the electronic transactions related to e-contracts that are currently developing involves information technology based lending and borrowing services, or commonly known as FinTech Lending, which offers various facilities for borrowing money. The convenience offered in lending and borrowing money based on information technology, on the other hand, raises problems, namely related to the protection of users' personal data. The problem is what is the appropriate legal protection model for personal data held by online loan providers in Indonesia. This study examines how the regulation of data protection in Indonesia is related to fintech activities.The model of legal protection for personal data mastered by online loan providers in Indonesia is to use legal protection from the law, namely the Personal Data Protection Act which is still at drafting stage. The law that is to be passed must contain the principles of good personal data protection, the establishment of an independent organization that is authorized to handle the protection of personal data, as well as detailing the matters that are owned by the subjects of data.

How to Cite
Hadiyantina, S., Cahyandari, D., & Ramadhan, N. (2021). The Emergency on Personal Data Protection Regulation For Users of Online Loan Services . International Journal of Global Community, 4(1 - March), 61 - 78. Retrieved from