Effective English Learning Through Scientific Approach In The Era Of Digital Technology

  • Didi Sudrajat Universitas Kutai Kartanegara
Keywords: digital technology era, effective, english, learning, scientific approach


Fun learning will bring the teaching and learning situation to be comfortable and harmonious, the interaction between educators and participants can also flow smoothly, especially students who are currently educating people are between the Y and Z generations who were born in the era of digital technology. Designing and creating fun classes for students cannot refer to the perceptions of an educator. The Scientific Approach has been considered as an effective learning model in the era of digital technology like today. The Scientific Approach is learning that focuses on the use of scientific methods. This can be applied by educators in planning and implementing English language learning programs at every level of education. Because it uses a scientific approach, the methods used in learning English in the form of Observing, Questioning, Associating, Experimenting, Networking.

How to Cite
Sudrajat, D. (2019). Effective English Learning Through Scientific Approach In The Era Of Digital Technology. International Journal of Global Community, 2(3-November), 223 - 236. Retrieved from https://journal.riksawan.com/index.php/IJGC-RI/article/view/46