Legal Analysis of The International Court of Justice 1969 Decision Concerning Continental Shelf Of The North Sea Between West Germany, Denmark, And The Netherlands

  • Mansur Armin Ali Faculty of Law, TadulakoUniversity, Palu
Keywords: continental shelf, international court of justice, legal analysis, north sea


Geographically the north sea separates several countries namely England, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and West Germany. Actually, continental shelf countries around the North Sea have entered into international agreements for the use of the North Sea so that the exploitation of natural resources in the North Sea does not cause conflict. In resolving this case the three countries did not agree on what method was used to delimit the continental shelf. The Netherlands and Denmark prefer the principle of equidistance line while West Germany prefers the principle of fairer delimitation. Because there was no agreement in the negotiations of the three countries, they agreed to settle a dispute between them through the international court. The method of settlement of continental shelf disputes introduced in the decisions of the International Court of Justice greatly influences the method of dispute resolution contained in Article 83 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982

How to Cite
Ali, M. A. (2019). Legal Analysis of The International Court of Justice 1969 Decision Concerning Continental Shelf Of The North Sea Between West Germany, Denmark, And The Netherlands. International Journal of Global Community, 2(3-November), 251 - 260. Retrieved from