Implementation of The Responsibility To Protect Doctrine In Humanitarian Intervention

  • Edmondus Sadesto Tandungan University of Kristen Indonesia Paulus
Keywords: Humanitarian Intervention, Responsibility to Protect, Human Rights


The development of the international political situation in the 20th century marked a paradigm shift regarding state sovereignty. Interaction with the international community has become very open, and even seems to reduce restrictions on a country's freedom of action, including in terms of upholding human rights. The occurrence of various crimes against humanity, such as mass murder, ethnic massacres, and various other war crimes, gave rise to a reaction from the international community to respond to the situation by carrying out humanitarian intervention for the human rights violations that occurred. The Responsibility to Protect doctrine is one of the principles upheld by the international community which aims to protect every citizen from the threat of crimes against humanity. Based on this doctrine, the international community also has a responsibility to assist countries to achieve these goals. In this case, the international community can intervene to protect society from war crimes. The application of the doctrine can certainly reduce the concept of absolute sovereignty of a country to the state's obligation to protect its citizens.

How to Cite
Tandungan, E. S. (2024). Implementation of The Responsibility To Protect Doctrine In Humanitarian Intervention. International Journal of Global Community, 7(2 - July), 123 - 132. Retrieved from