Green Construction in The Framework of Sustainable Development Goals
Indonesia already has regulations regarding construction and environmental services. Still, the extent to which these regulations regulate construction that cares about the environment needs a further study so that these regulations can be related to development policies. Considering that environmental sustainability is one of the Principles of Sustainable Development Goals, the Green Building-Green Construction concept is one of the efforts to support the achievement of sustainable construction, and it will ultimately contribute to reducing the impact of global warming. What further needs to be considered and researched is the SDGs Goals which form the basis for this green construction, and what goals are meant. Then, the method used in this research is a normative juridical research method with field data as support. The targeted outputs are reputable international journals and textbooks in the field of dispute resolution where this research has theoretical benefits, namely the development of methods that add to the scientific knowledge in the field of construction and the environment. The practical benefits of this method can be used by the construction service community to perform green and sustainable construction. In Indonesia, in line with developments in international law, several regulations are already related to green construction and sustainable development. Furthermore, seven goals are directly related to green construction and SDGs, even though all of these goals correlate with green construction. Moreover, the following result is the concept of sustainability as a condition to continue, survive and have a future.